An Incredible Javascript Event Calendar

Interactive Example

The software does not include any method of administering events online. The calendar is entirely javascript, and javascript has the built in limitation that the language cannot read or write files from the server or the client. Thus, a pure javascript calendar cannot have an Event Administration page.

However, if your website host has server side scripting capabilities, you can create such an Administration page yourself. Below is a working example of such a page written in CSharp ( C# ) and ASP.NET.

View the interactive calendar

Download the source code. The source contains all aspx files, classes and a SQL script for generating the Microsoft Access database.

The first page is the AdminEvents.aspx. There is a Microsoft Access database (MDB) that contains all of the events. A DataGrid is used to display the contents of the database on screen. The DataGrid is configured to allow inserts, updates and deletes from the database. There an Event.cs class handling the SQL calls.

In addition, there is the scriptcalendar iframe on the AdminEvents.aspx page. The iframe points to the iexample theme. This theme is the same as the outlook theme. The only difference is that the iexample scrptcal.htm doesn't point to static scEvent.js file. Instead, it points to the scEvent.aspx.

The scEvent.aspx is the second page of the interactive solution. It reads from the database and generates the necessary javascript code. The javascript is generated on demand, so there is no concurrency issue when writing a file to the servers hard drive. This page also uses the Event.cs class.

Technical Note: I should point out that none of the code here is compiled. It is essentially inline C#. The use of classes and codebehind files is accomplished through include statements. This allows reuse of the Event.cs class and Data Access class.