An Incredible Javascript Event Calendar

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Calendar Properties

Section 2.2.0

You've seen how the scrptcal.htm loads within the iframe. You know the scrptcal.htm is responsible for importing the javascript files and CSS files. But the scrptcal.htm also creates the scriptcalendar object.

The Scriptcalendar object is a javascript object. Basically, that means you can control the various settings of the calendar through properties. The properties exposed by the calendar are listed below.

property description data type default value
beginMonday This boolean flag controls which day begins the weeks the calendar displays. Set this property to "true" to begin the week on Monday. Omit this property or set it "false" to begin the week with Sunday. Please note that you must also change the "longDays" property if you set this to "true" boolean FALSE
cellHeight This numeric property controls the height of the date cells within the calendar, and therefore the horizontal size of the entire calendar. If the event text is too large to fit in the cell, the text will be truncated. integer 100
cellWidth This numeric property controls the width of the date cells within the calendar, and therefore the vertical size of the entire calendar. integer 100
dateRangeEnd Sets the last available year in the year dropdown data selector. The year selector will display numbers between dateRangeStart and dateRangeEnd integer current year + 3 years
dateRangeStart Sets the first available year in the year dropdown data selector. The year selector will display numbers between dateRangeStart and dateRangeEnd integer current year - 3 years
dateSelector Defines which of the date selectors will be displayed in the calendar header. This is property is manipulated by bitwise operators.

a value of 1 = month selector is visible
a value of 2 = year selector is visible
a value of 4 = prev month link is visible
a value of 8 = next month link is visible
a value of 16 = month is displayed as text
a value of 32 = year is displayed as text

Values may be combined to create various looks. For example 4+8 means only the prev and next are visible while the month and year are hidden.
integer 1+2+4+8
deadCellBehavior Defines what will display in the cells belonging to the previous or next month. This is property is manipulated by bitwise operators. Cells belonging in the previous or next month are called ""dead"" cells. There are three types of behavior. One, display the date number. Two, show display dead events. Three, display event from the previous and next month.

a value of 1 = date number is visible
a value of 2 = dead events are visible. (A dead event is an event for a non-existant date. For example, the date 2/0/2005 would put an event in on the February 2005 calendar in the last day of January. The event would only be visible in February, not January.
a value of 4 = events from the previous and next month are visible

Values may be combined to create various looks. For example 1+2 means only the date number and dead events are visible.
integer 0
displayWeekNumber This boolean flag controls if the calendar the week number of the year is shown along the left hand side of the calendar. The style is set by the class "scWeekNumber". boolean FALSE
enableHandlers Instructs the calendar to call the onmouseover functions in the scHandlr.js boolean FALSE
expandCellHeight This boolean allows the date cell expand to include all the events and event text. The normal behavior is to truncate the events at the height set in the cellHeight property. If the you set this property to true, the cellHeight acts like a "min-height" and if needed will expand to include all events. Please note that some browsers may render this slightly differently. boolean FALSE
expandEventStyle This boolean allows the event class of one event expand to include other events that have no class. The origin of this property is from calendar that use background colors. If you a "red" background event and a recurring event with no class (i.e. black text), you might want the red background to expand and cover both events, thus the entire date cell will be red and not just half of it. boolean TRUE
filter Flag to turn on filters boolean FALSE
filterNames This string allows you to create keywords to filter events. The string is simply a comma delimited list of keywords. If this property is something other than empty string, a table of checkboxes appears at the bottom of the calendar. string empty string
initialDate This date value controls the month and year displayed when the calendar is first accessed. By default, it uses the current date. However, you can set it to any valid date value. date current date
initialDate This date value controls the month and year displayed when the calendar is first accessed. By default, it uses the current date. However, you can set it to any valid date value. data current date
license An array of license keys. This property is used with the noiframe installation string array null
longDays This array supplies the weekday headers for the calendar. The defaults are Sun, Mon, Tues... but you could change the array to Sunday, Monday, Tuesday... Also, this permits weekday headers in alternative languages. string array new Array( "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" );
longMonths This array supplies the months header for the calendar. string array new Array( "January", "February", "March", "April","May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" );
nextHtml This string supplies the HTML to be used for the next month link in the calendar header. You may use an image tag to use a graphic for the link. The style for the link is the class "scSelector". string »
overrideSpecialEvent This boolean, when set to true will suppress any special event in a date cell that has regular event. boolean FALSE
padding This numeric property controls the amount of padding in pixels between the edge of the date cell and the event text. integer 3
popupAddParam This boolean property controls appending the "scDate" QueryString parameter on the URL of the popup window. The parameter will contain the date value of the event. boolean TRUE
popupProperities This string property is the equivalent of the properties string. It allows you to set the size, scrollbars, etc... of the windows that popup (assuming you've defined a few events with the popuplink parameter). string width=600, height=400, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, titlebar=yes, toolbar=yes, menubar=yes, location=yes, status=yes.
popupType This numeric property controls how the pages specified in the PopupLink parameter of the fscEvent call are displayed.

a value of 1 = popup, new browser window
a value of 2 = a DIV tag on top of the calendar (defeats popup blocking software).
a value of 3 = as a hyperlink in the main window.
integer 1
prevHtml This string supplies the HTML to be used for the previous month link in the calendar header. You may use an image tag to use a graphic for the link. The style for the link is the class "scSelector". string «
showFutureEvents This boolean property can hide future events coded in the dcevent.js if the value is set to false. Thus, only todays and past events are displayed. boolean TRUE
showPastEvents This boolean property can hide past events coded in the dcevent.js if the value is set to false. Thus, only todays and future events are displayed. boolean TRUE
spacing This numeric property controls the amount of transparent space in pixels appears between date cells. Either the background color of the calendar (set in calendarStyle) or your HTML page will show through. integer 2
specialEventsFirst Flag to place special before or after regular events boolean FALSE
tooltipType This numeric property controls the type of tooltip

a value of 1 = standard tooltip using "title" attribute
a value of 2 = overlib.js DIV tooltip
integer 2
tooltipUseEventText Flag to put eventText into the empty tooltips boolean true
xmlFile Specify the virtual path to the xml events file string null
xslFile Specify the virtual path to the XSLT file for the xml string null

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