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Section 0.1.0
You put the calendar on your page by inserting an iframe tag among the existing tags of your page. This iframe loads the "scrptcal.htm" file from one of the themes. For example, consider the file at "scthemes/outlook/scprtcal.htm".
Now, the scrptcal.htm does several things. First, it includes the main scriptcalendar engine in the "sccomponents/scrptcal.js" file. the main engine defines the scriptcalendar objects. The scrptcal.htm file then creates an instance of the calendar object like this...
var objCal = new scriptcalendar();
Then the scrptcal.htm set various properties of the calendar object (objCal). This is where you edit the properties.
The scrptcal.htm then renders the calendars with this method call...
Second, the scrptcal.htm also includes the scevent.js file. This is the event file where your events are stored. The file consists of javascript calls to the function "fscEvent". This function is defined in the main engine, and creates an array of events. When the file is included, the function calls are executed, the array is created, and the calendar is rendered with events from the array. The scevent.js behaves like a database.
Third, the scrptcal.htm includes the scspcevt.js file, which is used for holiday or recurring events. This file contains a function that is executed every time a date cell is displayed. The code within the scspcevt.js function checks the date and sometimes what weekday, what week of the month, etc, and adds events to calendar depending on these criteria.
The scrptcal.htm is performing some additional actions as well. It includes the scprtcal.css and scprint.css from the theme folder. These CSS files allow you to customize each theme separately. The schandlr, overlib and jquery javascript files are included as well. These 3 files perform advanced functionality and are not usually edited.
The scedit.htm is simple a tool to help you create the scevent.js file. As I said, the scevent.js contains javascript function calls. If you are not familiar with javascript, it may be difficult to write events directly into the file. The scedit.htm tool provides an interface for editing your events and then outputs the proper syntax for use in the scevent.js file. You must cut&paste the output into the scevent.js yourself. Every time you open the editor it will load events from the scevent.js file and display them for editing. Please note the scedit.htm must reside in the same folder as the scevent.js file (or you must edit the javascript include in the scedit.htm). Also keep in mind the editor is an offline tool and cannot be used on your website.
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